
11 year old Mark brings 40 people to church

Mark (pictured far right) was brought by his mother to church one Sunday. They had been invited by a member, but this was the first time they had ever experienced being in a Christian church environment.

Mark loved the kids ministry, and over the following weeks, began inviting his cousins, neighbors, and others. So far, Mark has been responsible for bringing over 40 people to the weekend services.

Last Sunday, we opened up a missions outreach in their village with close to 50 people being reached. (Kids, young men, and young mothers).

Tim is visited by a mentor and a cousin

Bambi and Tim join Dr. Keith Jenkins (one of Tim's mentors) and Zach McLeod (Tim’s cousin) for a photo during the Philippines' National Bible Week celebration.

Zach came over from Montana to help work with the church on a short-term missions trip. Standing 6'3" compared to most Filipinos who are usually very short, Zach made quite an impact, especially on the youth who loved playing with him in basketball and American football (new for the Philippines).

Tim carried the bags of his mentor, Dr. Keith Jenkins, throughout various parts of the Philippines. Dr. Jenkins, from Nottingham, England, traveled to over 50 countries last year teaching on the subject of "Intimacy with God Through a Love Relationship".

Computers for the Filipino young

Filipino kids at this young age are learning to use computers for research and communications. Many of the local kids we're working with have their own email adress, skype account and know how to use the internet to find and download video and picture illustrations to help add creativity for the Sunday service.


Internet computers draw in many more from the community

Through the help of our friends in Kuwait, JR and Helen Ibrahim, the church opened an internet café as an evangelistic net in the community. The place is now stuffed with young people from the neighboring villages every day.

Kids are encouraged to attend the cell group first before they using the computers.

Kids bringing their families to Jesus

AJ - Eugene - Tantan
These young boys (ages 4-5) keep showing up at the center, and spend most of their days learning to pray, share, forgive, ask forgiveness, sing and worship Jesus, and many other foundations of the Christian faith.

What's amazing is the impact they are having on their families back home. Each of them have come from non-Christian homes with all of the usual strife and worldliness. But today, their families are actively growing in the house of God.


4 year old boy brings family to Christ

AJ (4 years old) like many other kids in the community, comes to the center every day. He is fed, loved, and taught the Word of God. He even shows up at 6:30am for our morning prayer meeting! AJ, even at his young age, has learned much about Jesus, and has been sharing his faith at home. Recently, he invited his mother, and even volunteered her to help serve in one of our outreach ministries in the local elementary school.

Over the past number of months, his influence has brought not only his mother to Christ, but also his two older brothers. Alvin (14) and Jeffrey (21) are both now currently enrolled in our summer internship training program.