As this year comes to a close, Bambi and I are overflowing with praise and thanks to God for all the amazing things He has done.
Way back in January, we set a number of radical/ impossible goals. Many of those have been reached. Others will be carried-over into 2009; and we have high expectations of what God will do at our next level.
Christ-mas is special to us, because of the benefits that flow from the birth-names of God when he became a man on this earth for our sakes.
1. Jesus, our Savior (He has saved me, is saving me, and will save me. He loved me so much, He made a way to seek me out and rescue me from my doomed state of lostness.)
2. Immanuel- God with us (Not only did he become flesh & dwell among us, He chose to inhabit my very vessel by His Spirit; and promsed to never leave or abandon me.)
3. Christ, the Lord (He's the anointed prophet, priest & king. He always does the right thing; so I will trust Him and let Him make all the decisions for my life.)
(Matthew 1 & Luke 2)
May God reveal more of Himself to you this Christmas, and fill your life with every good thing.