
Immanuel-the best is yet to come

From the steamy hot islands of the Philippines...
Tim & Bambi Warden greet you a very Merry Christmas; and an expectant New Year.

We are blessed because Jesus came to earth to rescue us.
The best days are yet to come!
Immanuel - God is with us!


Mission pics with captions

Bambi & I just wanted to share with you a few pictures, on the scene in the Philippines.

We celebrate Thanksgiving (minus turkey) by praying with praise and gratitude to God for you, and your generous partnership with us in reaching the lost in the Philippines.
Souls are being saved. Lives are changing by the power of Christ.

Latest pictures with captions

Happy Thanksgiving Day!!!



Devastating Floods

A typhoon hit the Philippines Saturday. While Bambi and I were training small group leaders, we learned that a state of calamity was declared in our province and beyond. We prayed for good weather so it wouldn't hinder the congregations from arriving for worship on Sunday.

No winds - no rains. Not a drop of rain fell in our city all weekend. Manila on the other hand, got 13.4 inches in just 6 hours. Parts of the city were under water up to the 2nd floor of buildings; and people's cars were floating away like sticks of driftwood.

All of us were stunned by the devastation; but at the same time, we are so thankful that God answered our prayers, and we were spared. God has been so good to us, and we praise Him for the amazing kindness.

Thank you also for continually covering us in prayer.


Going to the Unreached Peoples


Please agree with Bambi and I as we intensify the focus and urgency on bringing hope for salvation to the unreached peoples of the Philippines.

16 different mission teams from our congregation are penetrating various communities each and every week with the love and gospel of Christ. Even Muslims households are now being reached; and many barriers are coming down.

Please pray for open and receptive hearts; so that they will trust Jesus and be saved.

Yours in Christ,

Timothy & Bambi Warden

Sample video below, taken from recent church news announcement:



Filipino church growing fruitful & strong

When I first planted the church in San Fernando, I could hardly leave for a few weeks without coming back to "put out fires" and "clean up" the spiritual mess. New Christians could be found arguing and hurting each other, causing all sorts of discord and strife.

The situation is totally different today. When Bambi and I returned from being out for a number of weeks, we saw nothing but maturity and strength; as believers keep the unity of the Spirit, and a clear focus on the mission "to honor God and deliver His benefits".

For example:

New people have since been taught the gospel and baptized
Mission teams have multiplied (from 10 to 16 villages)
People gathering for soaking and prayer together, for the church and the lost in our community
Extended times of worship
New home cell group leaders trained and empowered
There is an amazing outpouring of enabling grace to carry out the Great Commission that Jesus has assigned to us in the Philippines. Thank you for your support, prayers and encouragement. To God be the glory for the things He has done.



Take a moment to thank God with us:

This is now the 5th week of our Summer Internship (summer starts in March here).

Out of 95 people who joined, 76 have survived and are experiencing amazing life-transformations!

We have baptized 38 interns so far; and a total of 50 baptism since January.

People are coming to the Christ every week through mission outreaches of the church here.

More than 60 missionaries are actively serving (that's nearly 14% of the church).

Bambi and I are awe-struck by the move of God in the Philippines and by the open doors of opportunity.

Thank you for holding us up with your prayers and gererous support. Let God be glorified.


Easter Message

Happy Easter!
Bambi and I are especially thankful this Easter. We are experiencing the benefits of new covenant life in Jesus; and we are privileged to deliver these to the people of the Philippines.
This Easter, I will be teaching on the Lord’s Supper. As I do, we will be thinking about you and remembering your fellowship with us in this mission work of saving lost souls.
The gospel of Christ’s death, burial and resurrection has just as much power today as it e
ver did. Jesus Christ is very much alive and active in our world today. We are witnesses of this; and have many inspiring stories to share.

Bambi and I plan to be in the US for a couple of weeks starting May 20. We hope for an opportunity to connect with you; and download some exciting reports concerning the move of God in the Philippines.

We appreciate you so much; and treasure your prayer and financial support. We pray for God's abundance in every aspect of your life.


My Happy Birthday

Feb 1 (my birthday) fell on Sunday. I am very blessed to have such great friends and family. The church put together a video of people from the community sending their birthday wishes. I was touched.

Today I also baptized 5 more Filipinos, one of whom was an 84 year old man we'd been sharing Christ with for several years. It is so exciting to know that these people's lives and eternal destinies are forever changed.

After that, we went out to the villages for our weekly missions where we minister to the poor, dirty, abused, and neglected children. We currently have 51 missionaries from our church reaching people in 7 different villages. Next Sunday, we open up yet another new mission satellite; and God just keeps expanding our territory and impact in the province.

Bambi and I are full of hope and dreams for this year. We thank God for so much opportunity, an open-Heaven, and the privilege to serve. Thank you also, for the much-needed prayer and support. May God bless you richly.