As this year comes to a close, Bambi and I are overflowing with praise and thanks to God for all the amazing things He has done.
Way back in January, we set a number of radical/ impossible goals. Many of those have been reached. Others will be carried-over into 2009; and we have high expectations of what God will do at our next level.
1. Jesus, our Savior (He has saved me, is saving me, and will save me. He loved me so much, He made a way to seek me out and rescue me from my doomed state of lostness.)
2. Immanuel- God with us (Not only did he become flesh & dwell among us, He chose to inhabit my very vessel by His Spirit; and promsed to never leave or abandon me.)
3. Christ, the Lord (He's the anointed prophet, priest & king. He always does the right thing; so I will trust Him and let Him make all the decisions for my life.)
(Matthew 1 & Luke 2)
May God reveal more of Himself to you this Christmas, and fill your life with every good thing.