
Quick visit to Texas

Bambi and I have to make a quick visit to Texas next week. Her temporary greencard is expiring and the permanent card still has not arrived. So we're required to get an extension and it has to be done in person in Texas where we applied.

While in the US, we plan to maximize our time connecting with mentors, leaders and those who show interest in the mission work. Starting March 13, we can be reached at tel. no. 979-timothy (979-846-6849)

We plan to return to the Philippines by April 3, just in time to begin training an excited group of high school and college students, who will spend 6-weeks in intensive ministry training and internship. (Summer in the Philippines is April-May)

Last year we had 35 young people go through the full-time training; and many of them are very active leaders today. Do join us in prayer that another great batch of high-caliber youth will register this April, for what we believe is an important sowing into the lives of men and women whom God will use to usher revival to the nations.