
Church anniversary-San Fernando, Philippines

The church in San Fernando, Philippines recently celebrated it's 16th year anniversary. Missionaries Timothy and Bambi Warden said the 2-day festivities were designed to draw in crowds from the community.

Dignitaries from politicians to movie actors made it a point to send their greetings; and re-affirmed their support and appreciation for the church being an active benefit to the province.

This was yet another momentum-building event in line with the 2008 theme: "Build Church - Reach Others".

Fun and games prepared for all ages not only opened opportunities to share Christ with unbelievers who came; but also enhanced unity throughout the church as everyone rallied behind the vision and common cause of winning souls for Christ.


Filipino children doing missions

This clearing under the mango trees is where Bambi and a core group of children "missionaries" have been conducting outreach events to other children in this village each Sunday afternoon.
Some kids have brought friends to the weekend services, and an adult Bible study has begun with some of the parents of these children.

Church opens new internet facility for the community

The church in San Fernando now has this internet cafe, open for the community. Christians volunteer as tutors, and help educate many kids and out of school youth.


Quick visit to Texas

Bambi and I have to make a quick visit to Texas next week. Her temporary greencard is expiring and the permanent card still has not arrived. So we're required to get an extension and it has to be done in person in Texas where we applied.

While in the US, we plan to maximize our time connecting with mentors, leaders and those who show interest in the mission work. Starting March 13, we can be reached at tel. no. 979-timothy (979-846-6849)

We plan to return to the Philippines by April 3, just in time to begin training an excited group of high school and college students, who will spend 6-weeks in intensive ministry training and internship. (Summer in the Philippines is April-May)

Last year we had 35 young people go through the full-time training; and many of them are very active leaders today. Do join us in prayer that another great batch of high-caliber youth will register this April, for what we believe is an important sowing into the lives of men and women whom God will use to usher revival to the nations.


Feeding Kids in Elementary School

In working with many of the poor children of the community who come to us for help at the church center, we discovered there were many more who go to school hungry.
Bambi and I went to the local elementary school to ask how we could help. The teachers and principal there were thrilled to work with us on a weekly feeding program that would help children from grades 1-6.

Hundred of schools kids are benefited every week, and it has opened doors for us to share Christ with a number of families in the area. As funds allow, we would like to continue this outreach fo spiritual and physical feeding.