
Theme and Goals for the Year

Theme & Goals

Our theme for this year is “Build Church – Reach Others”

We see this as the two-fold priority of what the Lord is doing in and through us this year.

On the one hand; He is building, developing, and maturing the Philippine church family. His other hand is reaching out to the unsaved who do not yet know Him.

This theme will influence all our teachings and mission efforts this year.

Our goals are simply "declarations of faith". As we met together with our leadership team; we begin to experience a rise in faith like never before. Admitedly, when the number 600 members came up, everything within me wanted to turn negative and complain “that’s too much”, “it’s not realistic”, “let’s make it lower and easier”. However as I kept my mouth shut, the Holy Spirit released the faith that God can do anything. We are looking forward to (and relying on) a miraculous move of God in the Philippines this year.


Warden's marriage testimony

Tim and Bambi Warden interviewed about their marriage during a Valentines Day event.



Within the first 2 months of 2008, we have already baptized 34 people. It seems that God is opening hearts much like the way He did when Lydia responded to the gospel message in Acts chapter 16. "...The Lord opened her heart to respond to what Paul was saying. After she and her household were baptized..."