
Devastating Floods

A typhoon hit the Philippines Saturday. While Bambi and I were training small group leaders, we learned that a state of calamity was declared in our province and beyond. We prayed for good weather so it wouldn't hinder the congregations from arriving for worship on Sunday.

No winds - no rains. Not a drop of rain fell in our city all weekend. Manila on the other hand, got 13.4 inches in just 6 hours. Parts of the city were under water up to the 2nd floor of buildings; and people's cars were floating away like sticks of driftwood.

All of us were stunned by the devastation; but at the same time, we are so thankful that God answered our prayers, and we were spared. God has been so good to us, and we praise Him for the amazing kindness.

Thank you also for continually covering us in prayer.


Going to the Unreached Peoples


Please agree with Bambi and I as we intensify the focus and urgency on bringing hope for salvation to the unreached peoples of the Philippines.

16 different mission teams from our congregation are penetrating various communities each and every week with the love and gospel of Christ. Even Muslims households are now being reached; and many barriers are coming down.

Please pray for open and receptive hearts; so that they will trust Jesus and be saved.

Yours in Christ,

Timothy & Bambi Warden

Sample video below, taken from recent church news announcement:
