
Easter Message

Happy Easter!
Bambi and I are especially thankful this Easter. We are experiencing the benefits of new covenant life in Jesus; and we are privileged to deliver these to the people of the Philippines.
This Easter, I will be teaching on the Lord’s Supper. As I do, we will be thinking about you and remembering your fellowship with us in this mission work of saving lost souls.
The gospel of Christ’s death, burial and resurrection has just as much power today as it e
ver did. Jesus Christ is very much alive and active in our world today. We are witnesses of this; and have many inspiring stories to share.

Bambi and I plan to be in the US for a couple of weeks starting May 20. We hope for an opportunity to connect with you; and download some exciting reports concerning the move of God in the Philippines.

We appreciate you so much; and treasure your prayer and financial support. We pray for God's abundance in every aspect of your life.